Friday 3 December 2010

Thursday 2 December 2010

Facebook (how not too)

facebook "realtionship status's" the one that says "its complicated" WHAT can be so fucking complicated??? you are either having an affair, in this case DO NOT set your facebook status to its complicated, because you will then become yesterdays laundry! OR you are seeing a complete and utter shit for brains tool, in that case it is not "complicated" it is fucking over!!!

going single - for fucks sake, what is with the girls who go facebook single and then spend ALL day and I mean ALL day "liking" them things like - "you have just lost the best thing that ever happened to you" "I dont miss you at all" and then as the night goes on and they are getting evidentally MORE PISSED wine or anger you choose, its like "I miss you so much" "One day I know you will come back to me"
HONESTLY its just bothersome and it pangs of neediness, and frankly we just start seeing why you got finished in the first place!!

finally - smug marrieds, dont do it, we are all very happy for you, but I dont want it cramming down my throat, and if you put your profile picture as a baby, I swear to god, I judge your photo, I WILL judge your baby, not all women think babies are cute..........BE WARNED!!!!


Im going to comment, I cant wait to get out of fucking bed at 7.00am and go straight out into the cold into my car that hardly heats up, cos Im having a drive a shite car because its all that insurance will allow from MY WAGES, Im really re...lishing the thought of sitting in a freezing cold office all day and then driving home again in the dark, I love going to tesco after a 9-5 to get all the supplies we need to get through the week, I am in awe when I sit on a night feeling like my eyes are burning in my head, and decididng to go to bed at 9.30pm to sleep all the way through and have to do it all again, so that some scrotum can take 23% of this inconvienience, and blow it on his cans of tennants to alleviate a hard week of losing at the bookies and watching jeremy kyle............FUCK YOU!!!!!

Poppy Burning

Freedom of speech is exactly what our lads fought to protect, Hitler was free to voice his views, hitler was free to encourage others in his views, but it was our government and our people who said that you cannot and will not needlessly ki...ll civilians because of an opinion.
That you cannot and shall not, stand on the ground with us, you will not eat our food, interact with our families, poison our hearts.
Lads as young as 16 years of age running out into fields and never coming back to protect the children that they will never have, children themselves, but still made of very much stronger stuff than the governments of this country today, are we expected to sit back while our granddads, great granddads fought in wars, are we expected to sit back when our grandmas went without husbands and children went without fathers? ALL because we would not sit back and watch our fellow man die, ALL because we wanted to protect the future generations from such bile and poison!
The act I saw yesterday was like defecating in the faces of my fathers, and 50 years ago this behaviour would have been eradicated with the force and hearts of an entire nation behind it, but no, it is now so faceless that they probably all got on the tube together afterwards, and people are still buying things from there business’s.
This is insanity personified


As I roused from my bed this morning (I say roused as I am currently sleeping like I am in a coma, due to an utter lack of bodily warmth stealing my every essence, 24 hours a day, everyday). I walked onto the dr...ive clad in the cardigan of a fellow of height 6ft 4, and the face of something from twilight. I gazed upon a piece of shit KA, the spoil of this hard work, the turmoil of what I go through everyday seems worth it with one glance of that bastard!!! And it resembled what can only be described as the prop they used to be the iceberg in fucking titanic!!
TWENTY FOUR kettles of water later the car still appears to be frozen, so when I eventually managed to prise the frozen solid doors open WHAT do I find, that the car indeed was not frozen only frozen outside, but fucking inside as well, it was luxurious as it was relaxing!!!
So holding a CD aloft (elbow – one good song does not an album make) I started to pick away at the offending parasite!! As the ice shards fell onto my legs I felt not unlike Jack Nicholson in the final scenes of the shining!! I return to the house frozen tears ruining my Maybelline, theres no maybe about it, it IS fucking Maybelline, you try living this life and turning round un-greyed, un knackered, un lined and saying “I was born with it” NO YOU JUST DON’T FUCKING WORK!!!!!! Anyhow I collected my things wondered if life was worth living and returned to my sham of a vehicle, to find it had fucking done it again, so driving to work in what can only be described as the style of Ace ventura pet detective, I wondered if it was all worth it??? should I do a brian Harvey and simply toss myself from this moving vehicle?? The book remains open. Do not look into my eyes – I am not there!!


we are your future" see that students are still thinking they are the very axis this earth spins on and that a 2:2 in philosophy will, in the future save us from our very selves.
do us a favour, get a fucking job, so we dont have to put u...p with your pot noodle breath, your i pods, your fucking non descript accents, your jaunty bob hat, your superiority complex or your fucking horse laugh at the hint of irony!!!
real people smoke, drink and get pissed off and NNOOOO THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH MORRISSEY!!! life is hard, so get used to it, or fuck off!!