Thursday 2 December 2010

Poppy Burning

Freedom of speech is exactly what our lads fought to protect, Hitler was free to voice his views, hitler was free to encourage others in his views, but it was our government and our people who said that you cannot and will not needlessly ki...ll civilians because of an opinion.
That you cannot and shall not, stand on the ground with us, you will not eat our food, interact with our families, poison our hearts.
Lads as young as 16 years of age running out into fields and never coming back to protect the children that they will never have, children themselves, but still made of very much stronger stuff than the governments of this country today, are we expected to sit back while our granddads, great granddads fought in wars, are we expected to sit back when our grandmas went without husbands and children went without fathers? ALL because we would not sit back and watch our fellow man die, ALL because we wanted to protect the future generations from such bile and poison!
The act I saw yesterday was like defecating in the faces of my fathers, and 50 years ago this behaviour would have been eradicated with the force and hearts of an entire nation behind it, but no, it is now so faceless that they probably all got on the tube together afterwards, and people are still buying things from there business’s.
This is insanity personified

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